Welcome to Razaaq University Consortium!
ADMISSIONS OPEN: We offer courses in different forms: classroom-based, online and blended. Regardless of how you choose to study, we offer you with opportunities for developing your full potential by making you learn, think and acquire skills that make you a valued human resource and responsible citizen of the society. We provide different modes of learning: visual, auditory, read/write, and kinaesthetic. Though online learning is different than learning on campus, we make sure you enjoy your academic stay and get enriched — from attending class to engaging in extracurricular activities. Education is all about character building, seeking or creating new knowledge, which at times, involves instructional training with intensive practical and teaching sessions, and most importantly it’s about enhancing critical thinking and giving meaning to your life and living. If you miss something, don’t hesistate to ask, so that we guarantee you won’t miss anything important.
This is your platform. Think straight, start writing your first post and share your thoughts! Cheers to the possibilities!!