Call for Papers | STEM & Sustainability research journal
- STEM is an acronym for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.
- We, at the research journal STEM & Sustainability believes that sustainability in itself is a multi-disciplinary field and has emerged as the broadest and all-encompassing concept of all, and it (sustainability) is one of those few significant words that has carried over broadly outside the scientific language. The promoter of the journal believes that there is a need to move toward a model in which sustainability is integrated with STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) as our approach and attitude for economic, strategic, and social development. We appeal: to “concern and care” (for the planet).
- Because of pollution, climate change and related environmental issues, STEM (i.e. science-technology-engineering-mathematics) studies appear to be even more important than before. These subjects along with sustainability perspective and circular economy can offer major improvements in our planet.
- There was no research journal to disseminate and highlight the recent advances in STEM for Sustainability and thereby to shed light on the strategic, scientific, environmental, ecological, economical and energy challenges. He identifies STEM & Sustainability as one of its priorities in skill development programmes, education, research enterprise and even in the further education sector. It is essential to generate the public support through organized ways and educate all about such issues. In the spirit of that, STEM & Sustainability journal see major advances in the ongoing endeavors directed towards diminishing the impact of anthropocentric and industrial activities on the environment. We sincerely appeal researchers from various fields to contribute to this interdisciplinary theme of “STEM for Sustainability: A New Approach & Attitude” and publish their research outcomes as original research articles, short communication, perspective, and mini-review, etc. in the STEM & Sustainability, published by the RISER Publishing unit and the Razaaq Univesity Consortium.
- The STEM subjects are strategically important subjects and form the basis for any economy. In other words, any country’s engineering turnover and manufacturing sector rely on STEM economy. A very strong STEM subject teaching and training is required to produce top scientific research and STEM skilled workforce. Governments of the so-called developed countries have long identified STEM Education and Communication as their top priority at university level (higher education). The basic challenges for STEM teaching are (i) to help youngsters identify how these subjects are fascinating and could lead to more specialized, satisfying, varied and rich careers, and (ii) to help students successfully pass the examinations (to avoid choking 🙂 and drop-outs). New educational methods are being developed to make the subject matter interesting right from the school (primary) level.
- Generally speaking, sustainability is the term describing endurance of systems and processes. Brundtland Commission (1987) – the United Nations’ Commission on Environment and Development defined Sustainable Development as “the development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” The Earth Summit (1992) – the United Nations’ Conference (in Brazil) on Environment and Development: There is this urgent need to find a more sustainable way of life; reduce environmental emissions and use resources carefully. As a result of these efforts (and also including the Johannesburg Declaration & Plan of Implementation, 2002), today (i) the environmental policy making process and (ii) scientific research in most of the developed nations rely heavily on the transition to sustainable production and consumption patterns. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA, Government of USA): Sustainability is based on a simple principle – Everything that we need for our survival and well-being depends, either directly or indirectly, on our natural resources and environment. Sustainability means actually the conditions under which humans and nature can exist in productive harmony, that permit fulfilling the social, economic and consumption patterns for the present as well as the future generations. Sustainability makes sure that we have and will continue to have water, soil, air, food, ecology, environment, matter – materials, and all the resources to protect human health and wellbeing. Sustainability makes sure that we have and will continue to have water, soil, air, food, ecology, environment, matter – materials, and all the resources to protect human health and wellbeing. In September 2015, the world leaders (countries) discussed and established a set of global goals to eradicate poverty, to progress and prosper by adopting those sustainable development goals (SDGs).
- The promoter of this research journal – STEM & Sustainability believes that “sustainability in itself is multi-disciplinary field and has emerged as the broadest and all-encompassing concept of all and it (sustainability) is one of those few significant words that has carried over broadly outside the scientific language. He believes that there is a need to move toward a model in which sustainability is integrated with STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) as our approach and attitude for economic, strategic, and social development.The promoter of the journal appeals: to “concern and care” (for the planet). Because of pollution, climate change and related environmental issues, STEM (i.e. science-technology-engineering-mathematics) studies appear to be even more important than before. These subjects along with sustainability perspective and circular economy can offer major improvements in our planet.
- There was no research journal to disseminate and highlight the recent advances in STEM for Sustainability and thereby to shed light on the strategic, scientific, environmental, ecological, economical and energy challenges. He identifies STEM & Sustainability as one of its priorities in skill development programmes, education, research enterprise and even in the further education sector. It is essential to generate the public support through organized ways and educate all about such issues. In the spirit of that, STEM & Sustainability journal see major advances in the ongoing endeavors directed towards diminishing the impact of anthropocentric and industrial activities on the environment. We sincerely appeal researchers from various fields to contribute to this interdisciplinary theme of “STEM for Sustainability: A New Approach & Attitude” and publish their research outcomes as original research articles, short communication, perspective, and mini-review, etc. in the STEM & Sustainability, published by the RISER Publishing unit and the Razaaq Univesity Consortium.
- There is no template to follow, but the manuscripts will be prepared according to the given guidelines only after acceptance.
- A graphical abstract is not mandatory but encouraged.All manuscripts will be peer-reviewed to ensure a high quality research publishing.
- Please indicate in your cover letter that the submitted paper is 100% original and has not been published previously and is not currently submitted to any other journal and will not be submitted elsewhere before a final decision is made by the editors of this journal.
- For submission of your manuscripts, please click here.